An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
Marcus Caesar (AD 475-476)
Hugh Elton
Florida International University Marcus was the son of Basiliscus and Zenonis. He was acclaimed Caesar in 475 and later promoted to Augustus. Coins were issued in his and Leo II's names. When Zeno reoccupied Constantinople in late August 476, Marcus, with his parents, took refuge in a church. Zeno promised not to execute them, so he exiled them to Limnae in Cappadocia and subsequently starved them to death.
For references to primary sources, see entries in RE or the PRLE. Translations of much of the source material can be found here in Ralph Mathisen's DIR essays on the "Shadow Emperors", or in C.D. Gordon ( The Age of Attila: Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians [Ann Arbor, 1960]) and R.C. Blockley (Fragmentary Classicizing Historians of the Later Roman Empire [Liverpool, 1983], vol. 2.).
Kent, J.P.C., Roman Imperial Coinage volume 10 (London, 1994), 114-115
Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 2, ed. J.R. Martindale (Cambridge, 1980)
Copyright (C) 1998, Hugh Elton. This file may be copied on the condition that the entire contents, including the header and this copyright notice, remain intact.
Comments to: Hugh Elton.
Updated:10 June 1998
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