The Editorial Board of DIR welcomes article proposals from writers with academic credentials. If you think you may be interested in submitting a proposal, please review the DIR Proposal Form. If you find the conditions satisfactory, retrieve the form and fill it out. After you have done so, email it to Shortly after it is received, it will be presented to members of the Editorial Board who will referee your proposal. The decision is based on a majority vote After the review process, the General Editor will inform you of the referees' decision by email.
If your proposal is accepted, the process of getting your article fully integrated into the encyclopedia begins. You will be assigned an editor who will help guide you through the submission process. We would expect that the article should be completed in no longer than nine months, although the due date is directly related to the complexity of the material. The deadline will be determined between the contributors and their respective editors. The procedure involves four steps.
- Authors will complete their proposed article(s). (Please see Some Guidelines for Articles for information on length, format, etc.) While you are busy writing your article, a place will be reserved in the Title Index for your title. Though your title will appear in the index, it will not be linked. Its place there is to inform other prospective authors that your particular topic is already taken.
- When you have finished your article, you will mail it where it will be proofread (for grammar, spelling,and style) and corrected, if necessary. In addition, your article will be converted into HTML format according to the DIR's style and layout, and initial links will be added. If the article is accepted for publication in the DIR, the author will be notified by both email and snail mail
- The HTML version of the article will then be mailed to the person who will be maintaining the article. We prefer that this person be the author, but this is not necessary. (The Editorial Board will find someone to maintain your article in the event that you do not wish to maintain it yourself.)
- Once the file is in place and has been tested by the person maintaining the article, he/she will send the URL (the Uniform Resource Locator, or, more simply, the internet address) for review to his or her assigned editor for a final evaluation. If the editor approves the piece, the writer will mail the text to If everything is working well, the Title Index will be updated to reflect the new link.
DIR authors agree to the following:
- That the article will be formatted according to the standard layout of the DIR;
- That the article will be updated on a regular (monthly) basis to reflect new links;
- That the author will retain the copyright under the following rubric: Copyright (C) 1996, Author Name. This file may be copied on the condition that the entire contents, including the header and this copyright notice, remain intact.
If you have any questions or concerns that have not been addressed in this file, please email them to
Copyright (C) 1997, Michael DiMaio, Jr. This file may be copied on the condition that the entire contents,including the header and this copyright notice, remain intact.
to How to Submit an Article for Publication in the DIR